professor chun

Master Bill Chun, Jr.

Honored Founder & Creator of the
Kenpo/Kempo Lõ Kahi
Association of America



Master Bill Chun, Jr.
Studios Unis - Quebec, Canada

On the weekend of September 23rd, 2005, Master Bill Chun, Jr. and his lovely wife Kathy made their yearly journey to Quebec, Canada to continue the education of Studios Unis of Quebec, Canada in the art of Go Shin Jitsu Kenpo/Chinese Kempo Kai concepts.  The two seminars held on Friday and Saturday were divided differently this year with the under Black Belts and Black Belts each having their own seminars to give the participants curriculum specific to their rank and ability.  Each seminar was met with the participants having a hungry desire to learn all the Master Chun, Jr. was willing to share.  To prove this point even further, over 130 Black Belts come to the Saturday seminar alone.  The atmosphere was electric as the only sounds you heard in the room were Professor Chun, Jr.'s instructions and LOUD Kiai's of determination.  In the end, there wasn't a dry Ghi in the seminar. 

Master Chun, Jr. would like to extend his appreciation to Mr. Clermont Poulin and Studios Unis for again inviting him to Quebec.