professor chun

Master Bill Chun, Jr.

Honored Founder & Creator of the
Kenpo/Kempo Lõ Kahi
Association of America



Master Chun, Jr. Seminar
Studios Unis - Quebec, Canada

On the weekend of September 5th, 2003, Master Bill Chun, Jr. and his lovely wife Kathleen returned to Quebec, at the invitation of Mr. Clermont Poulin of Studios Unis, to give a series of two Seminars going over the finer points and application of the Goshin Jitsu Kenpo/Chinese Kempo system.  Each seminar was suppose to be two hours long but when all was said and done, nobody left the dojo before the four hour mark.  Master Chun, Jr. demonstrated the Kenpo/Kempo concepts for all to see and then made sure that every participant got to feel first hand how the techniques were to be applied.

Master Chun, Jr. wishes to express his 'Aloha' to Mr. Poulin and his dedicated students of Studios Unis and hopes to see them again in the future.